11月15日,曾比特新歌《Talk To Me》正式上线。这是2024年曾比特继《繁花》插曲《再回首》《一生何求》之后,又一次诚意之作。曾比特表示,希望这首歌能成为大家的情感树洞,鼓励人们在...
希望曾比特的《Talk To Me》能真正成为每一个听众心中的情感树洞,陪伴大家度过生活中的艰难时刻。
他希望用《Talk To Me》这首歌作为大家的“情感树洞”,鼓励人们在困难时刻不要独自承受,而是要勇敢与他人分享自己的情绪。此次与音源同步上线的还有MV,为了能够完美呈现《Talk To Me》的音乐概念,曾比特可谓是精益求精。拍摄当天凌晨四点多便开始妆造,连续工作十...
happened five years ago because I didn't know Daisy then. And I'll be damned if I see how you got within a mile of her unless you brought the groceries to the back door. Bu...
dont you talk to me dont scream and shout she pray to god,to buddha then she sings a talmud song confusions contradict the self do we know right from wrong i just want you to recognize me in the temple you cant hurt me i've found peace within mysel...
更多内容请点击:曾比特年度新歌《Talk To Me》上线,愿用音乐做粉丝情感树洞